„Frate Sole“ Internationale Preis für Sakralarchitektur

1. Preis John Pawson for the church of the Monastery of Our Lady of Novy Dvur in Bohemia (Czech Republic).
ein 2. Preis the Church of St. John the Apostle in Perugia by Paolo Zermani
ein 2. Preis the Chapel of St. Benedict at Kolbermoor (Germany) by kunze seeholzer architektur & stadtplanung
ein 2. Preis the Chapel of the Fazenda Veneza at Valinhos, São Paulo (Brazil) by Decio Tozzi
ein 2. Preis the Catholic Parish Centre of the Sacred Heart at Völklingen-Ludweiler (Germany) by Lamott Architekten
ein 2. Preis the New Monastery for Cistercian Nuns on the island of Tautra (Norway) by Jensen & Skodvin Arkitekt
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