New Look of Vydrica

Abgabe 2007-09-04
Art Ideenwettbewerb
Zulassungstyp offener Wettbewerb
Ort des Wettbewerbs Bratislava
Wettbewerbstyp Offener Ideenwettbewerb
Zulassungsbereich weltweit
Teilnehmer open for all who are interested in to offer their ideological view, while it is not necessary to be a professional architect
Preise Preissumme: 1.000.000 SK
Wettbewerbsleistungen Five Architectonical Competitions were announced from July 16, 2007 to solve the logical fundamentals of Vydrica city quarter within particular urban blocks. The Competitions are public, at the same time it is anonymous, and is open for all who are interested in to offer their ideological view, while it is not necessary to be a professional architect. The Competition will be held in two rounds.
Termine Abgabe: 04.09.2007