Vollständiger Bekanntmachungstext im EU-Amtsblatt

14/08/2004 S158 European Communities - Service contract - Design contest

PL-Gdansk: architectural, engineering, construction, legal, accounting and other professional services

2004/S 158-137375




I.1) Official name and address of the contracting authority/entity: Theatrum Gedanense Foundation, Att: Magdalena Krukowska, ul. Dlugi Targ 11/13, PL-80-828 Gdansk. Tel.: +48 58 301 34 11 . Fax: +48 58 301 34 11. E-mail: URL:
I.2) Address from which further information can be obtained: Theatrum Gedanense Foundation, Att: Magdalena Krukowska, ul. Dlugi Targ 11/13, PL-80-828 Gdansk. Tel.: +48 58 301 34 11 . Fax: +48 58 301 34 11. E-mail: URL:
I.3) Address from which documentation may be obtained: Theatrum Gedanense Foundation, Att: Magdalena Krukowska, ul. Dlugi Targ 11/13, PL-80-828 Gdansk. Tel.: +48 58 301 34 11 . Fax: +48 58 301 34 11. E-mail: URL:
I.4) Address to which requests to participate/projects must be sent: Theatrum Gedanense Foundation, Att: Magdalena Krukowska, ul. Dlugi Targ 11/13, PL-80-828 Gdansk. Tel.: +48 58 301 34 11 . Fax: +48 58 301 34 11. E-mail: URL:
I.5) Type of contracting authority/entity: Regional/local level.


II.1) Project description
II.1.1) Title attributed to the design contest by the contracting authority/entity: A one-stage, international architectural study contest under the Auspices of Mr Waldemar Dabrowski, The Minister of Culture of the Republic of Poland.
II.1.2) Description: One-stage, international architectural study contest for a functional and spatial design concept for a theatre with reference to the seventeenth century Fencing School building in Gdan'sk which housed the 'Elizabethan Theatre'.
II.1.3) Site: PL-Gdan'sk.
II.1.4) Nomenclature
II.1.4.1) Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV): 74000000.


III.1) Criteria for the selection of participants: The entities who are eligible to become contest participants include physical persons who possess a building licence specialising in architecture with unlimited planning rights or organisational units without the status of legal entities, or legal entities employing such physical persons. Furthermore, contest participants must: meet the requirements set forth in Art. 22 (1) of the Law, have a minimum credit worthiness of 1 000 000 PLN (225 000 EUR), possess a third party insurance policy for injury connected with the practice of their profession (min. value of policy 250 000 EUR), be members of the Polish Chamber of Architects (in the case of professionals working outside the territory of the Republic of Poland - of a foreign organisation equivalent to the Polish Chamber of Architects), have at least 3 years' designing experience (including multifunctional structures of public utility).
III.2) Participation reserved for a particular profession: Yes.Architect.


IV.1) Type of contest: Open.
IV.2) Criteria to be applied in the evaluation of projects: The assessment of the contest entries shall cover especially:a) the method of incorporating the architecture of the Theatre into the town as a whole (15 %),b) the references to the tradition of the Fencing School and the performances of the English theatres in Gdan'sk in the 17th century (20 %),c) the standard of architectural concepts, their originality and aesthetic advantages (30 %),d) the utility value of the proposed functional and technical solutions (15 %),e) the feasibility of the of implementation (20 %).
IV.3) Administrative Information
IV.3.2) Conditions for obtaining contractual documents and additional documents: Price: 50 EUR.Terms and method of payment: The Contest Regulations may be obtained in the Head Office of the Contest Organiser or be sent by post at the participant’s request following the payment of the fee to the bank account of the Contest Organiser:Raiffeisen Bank Polska S.A., O/ Gdan'sk, ul. Pie;kna 20, PL-00-549 Warszawa.Account No.: PL 80 1750 1152 0000 0000 0104 8333.
IV.3.3) Deadline for receipt of projects or requests to participate: 15.9.2004. Time: 14:00.
IV.3.4) Dispatch of invitations to participate to selected candidates: Estimated date: 20.9.2004.
IV.4) Rewards and jury
IV.4.1) Number and value of the prizes to be awarded: The Contest Jury may award the following prizes:- two equal prizes of 7 000 EUR together with the invitation to negotiate in a negotiation without announcement procedure and - three distinctions of 2 000 EUR, or- first prize of 10 000 EUR together with the invitation to negotiate in a private treaty procurement procedure and,- second prize of 6 000 EUR and- two distinctions of 2 000 EUR.The Contest Jury reserves the right to change the type of prize or to withhold the award entirely.
IV.4.5) Names of the selected members of the jury: 1. Stanis?aw Den'ko - Cracow, Architect, Head of Contest Jury.2. Ben Bolgar - London, Great Britain, (The Prince’s Foundation Director for Architecture and Design), Architect.3. Gaetano Pesce - New York, U.S.A., Architect.4. Arata Isozaki - Tokyo, Japan, Architect.5. Andrzej Wajda - Warsaw, Theatre Director.6. Kazimierz ?atak - Cracow, Architect.7. Wojciech Grabianowski - Düsseldorf, Germany, Architect.8. Jerzy Limon - Gdynia, (Fundacja Theatrum Gedanense), Theatre Historian.9. Marcin Gawlicki - Gdan'sk, (Clerk Judge), Architect and Conservator.


VI.3) Additional information: IV.1.1) Number of participants or range: there is no restricted number of participants.IV.3.2) Conditions for obtaining contractual documents and additional documents: obtainable until: 14.9.2004.
VI.4) Date of dispatch of this notice: 9.8.2004.