Vollständiger Bekanntmachungstext

Competition Regulations

The National Library of the Czech Republic

in cooperation with

UIA – Union Internationale des Architectes, International Union of Architects

in compliance with UNESCO Standard Recommendations for International Architectural and Urban-Planning Competitions and UIA Instructions for International Competitions and Urban Planning considering the provisions of Sections 27, 74 et seq., Act no. 40/2004 Coll. on Public Procurement,

in compliance with laws valid in the Czech Republic, in particular:

in compliance with Act no. 360/ 1992 Coll., on Professional Practice of Certified Architects and on the Professional Practice of Certified Engineers and Technicians Active in Construction as amended,

in compliance with the provisions of Act no. 50/1976 Coll., on Urban Planning and Building Code (Building Act), as amended by Act no. 262/1992 Coll., Act no. 43/1994 Coll., Act no. 19/1997 Coll. and Act no. 83/1998 Coll.,

and in compliance with the provisions of Act no. 121/2000 Coll., on Copyright, Rights Related to Copyright and Modification of Certain Acts,


The International Architectural Design Competition

for the architectural design and choice of an architect for the project documents of

The New Building of the National Library of the Czech Republic in Prague
at the address Milady Horákové Avenue, Prague 7 - Letná

and issues therefore

the Competition Regulations and Relevant Documents for an International Competition.


Promoter of the competition
Subject and purpose of the competition
Type of competition
Methods of announcement of the competition
Competition participants
Competition documents provided to competitors
Questions and answers
Stage I of international competition – documents to be submitted by competitors
Stage II of international competition - documents to be submitted by selected participans
Organisation and co-ordination of the competition
Evaluation criteria of the jury
List of jury members and the deputies
Prizes and honourable mentions
Competition timetable
Submissions of competition design
Clause on acceptance of competition regulations
Clause on copyright and publication of designs
Settlement of disputes
Approval of competition regulations


1.1 Authorised representative

National Library of the Czech Republic
acting through Mr.Vlastimil Ježek, director – general of The National Library
with its registered office at Klementinum 190, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
tel.: +420 221 663 262
fax.: +420 221 663 261
Tax Identification Number: CZ00023221

1.2 Responsible for the Competition Documents
National Library of the Czech Republic
Investment Section in collaboration with its professional and technical consultants.

1.3 Secretary of the competition
National Library of the Czech Republic
Ms.Lili Langová, Investments Section,
Klementinum 190, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
tel.: +420 221 663 260
tel.: +420 221 663 195 (for Czech competitors only)
fax.: +420 221 663 261

1.4 Professional and technical advisor
Mr.Zdeněk Janeček
with its registered office at Nušlova St. 2258, 158 00 Prague 5, Czech Republic
tel.: +420 222 221 492, +420 723 995 982

1.5 Experts
Mr.Tomáš Hájek
Director General of the National Institute for the protection and Conservation of Monuments and Sites in Prague

Mr.Václav Králíček
Head of the Department of Urban Development of the Institute for Development of the City of Prague

Mr. František Formánek
1st deputy manager of Ministr Cultur

Mr. Jan Bürgermeister
1st deputy manager of Mayor of the Capital of Prague

1.6 International Competition web site

1.7 E-mail address for registration


2.1 Subject of the Competition
The subject of the architectural competition is the design of the urban, architectural, technical and operational solutions for the new building of the National Library of the Czech Republic in Prague.

2.2 Purpose of the Competition
The purpose of the architectural competition is to choose, on the basis of a comparison of designs submitted, the best entry by a participant capable of creating the most suitable design in fulfilment of the promoter’s requirements as laid down in these Terms, Conditions, and Relevant Documents.

2.3 Terms and conditions of the public procurement for services
The public procurement for services (for carrying out all performance phases of the project documentation i.e. elaboration of the documents for the planning and building permits, construction documents of the building design including all documents relevant to organisation, and budget as well as bidding documents, and for the author’s site supervision of the realisation of the building) will be awarded to the winner(s) of the architectural competition. This will comply with Section 27, subs. 5, Act no. 40/2004 Coll., on Public Procurement in a negotiation proceeding without public notification.
If a winner(s) is from a country other than the Czech Republic, he/she shall conclude if necessary a contract and collaborate with an authorised architect / architectural team from the Czech Republic on all development phases of the project. This contract will be a part of the contract with the winner of the Competition.


The competition is announced as an open international public anonymous 2 stage competition for architects / teams of architects who meet all requirements set forth herein (particularly in Article 5 hereof). The competition will be in two stages. At the end of the first stage, the jury will select a maximum of 8 projects, the authors of which will be invited to develop their proposals in the second stage.


4.1 Date of competition announcement
The date of the competition announcement is May 16, 2006, (competion regulations including the registration form).

The competition documents will be made available by the promoter on the web site of the National Library to each registered competitor in the middle of the registration period. The password will be sent to each registered competitor.

4.2 Form of competition announcement
The professionals will be informed about the competition by UIA. Press releases will be sent to:
• All UIA member organisations,
• International and professional press,
• International organisations – choice made by UIA,
• Foreign embassies in Paris,
• Architectural museums and galleries,
• Subscribers of the UIA personal information service.
Publishing of this information in the UIA Newsletter.
Announcement on UIA web pages.
Continuous information in the UIA office
In the Czech Republic on the central address (, on web address of the Czech Chamber of Architects ( and in one nation-wide daily newspaper.

4.3 Registration
Applications to enter the Competition shall be submitted in writing, by post, by fax or by e-mail, using the registration form provided by the promoter on the web site of the National Library and reach the Competition Secretariat (see article 1.3) no later than June 30, 2006. Applications shall indicate:
• the individual competitor or team representative´s full name and nationality,
• full contact details including telephone and e-mail address (fax number),
• copy of documents concerning his/her professional qualifications (see Article 5.1.1- 5.1.2),
• copy of the bank transfer showing that the registration fee has been paid.

4.4 Registration fee
The non-reimbursable registration fee of CZK 6 000,- must be paid to the promoter of the competition:

Account name and number: National Library (Národní Knihovna)
Bank identification: 0100
Swift code: KOMBCZPP
IBAN: CZ1401000000356419570237
Bank Address: Komercni banka, a.s., Staromestske nam. 24, 110 00 Praha 1

It is essential that the name of the individual competitor or team representative registered for the competition be the same as that on the bank transfer. Bank charges shall be paid by the competitor.

4.5 The competition documents
should be made available to all participants at the same time – in the middle of the registration period (June 2, 2006). The relevant documents will be made available on the competition web site (.dwg, AutoCad 2006, .pdf, .jpg ) of the National Library (see Article 1.5) to which competitors will have access, using a password which will be sent by e-mail to each registered competitor.


5.1 Meeting professional requirements
5.1.1 Architects (architectural teams) may participate in the competition, should they meet the following requirements:

a) Architects participating in the competition shall be licensed / certified / registered / authorised in a professional body in their country,

b) Architectural teams participating in the competition shall have at least one licensed/certified/registered/ authorised architect who will be the team leader.

5.1.2 At the time of registration, competitors shall prove their professional competence by a duly certified copy of a formal document on their licence /registration / certification/ authorisation.

5.1.3 All competitors, who advance to the stage II, shall submit a bank declaration proving financial solvency. To maintain anonymity, this declaration will be received by a lawyer/notary. Their eligibility for stage II is dependant on this declaration. A winner of the competition shall submit documents on their integrity at the latest before signing the contract otherwise he/she will not be eligible to receive the contract for the commission.

5.1.4 Should a winner of the competition not meet the set forth professional prerequisites (or should he/she give false data in his/her portfolio), the commission shall be discussed with the next ranked competitor.

5.2 Persons excluded from the competition

Persons are excluded from the competition who:

5.2.1 Have participated directly in the preparation of the competition assignment and in competition announcement;

5.2.2 Are jury members, experts invited by the jury or staff assisting the jury;

5.2.3 Are the spouses, direct relatives, brothers- or sisters-in-law, direct superiors or collaborators with excluded persons. This stipulation also applies to members of local government and administrative authorities including the promoter;


6.1 Program and Basic information

* Historical development of the area
* Development rules, technical description of the area designated for location of the building including its engineering-geological surveys
* Specific requirements concerning the function of the Library
* Program of the Library

6.2 Tables to be filled with summaries of surfaces and volumes of the submitted design.

6.3 Photographic documentation of the building site

6.4 Aerial photographs of Letna

6.5 4 photographs designated for presentation of the proposed building volumes.

* 6.6 Information map data
* Geodetic survey,
* General layout plan of infrastructure networks (it will be available for participants of stage II of Competition),
* Cross section A-A´ through planned tunnel,
* Cross section B-B´ through planned tunnel, of the urban transport round.

6.7 General layout plan. – 1 : 500

6.8 Layout plans
Layout plan – for an insertable model of the New Building – 1:500

6.9 General layout plan – Reference points for photographs (6.5) including camera coordinates. 1:2000

6.10 Additional documents will be available to selected competitors for stage II including a new password.


7.1 Any competitors wishing to obtain further information may send questions in writing, by fax or e-mail, to the Competition Secretariat. All such queries received within the deadlines indicated in Art. 15 will be answered and displayed on the competition web site of the National Library. Competitors shall use their password. This document will then be considered to be an integral part of the competition brief.


Competition entries shall use only the English language.

8.1 Plans shall comprise:
a. General layout plan of the area in scale 1 : 500 (traffic serviceability, accesses, and designated public space with new Addition of the National Library that is planned to be built after 2040).

b. Perspective views of a general architectural design of the New Building only (without new Addition) introduced into 4 photographs marked F1, F2, F3, F4, in A3 formats.

c. Floor plans of all floors in scale 1 : 500 with schematic presentation of interior and description of summaries of functional areas,

d. All elevations in scale 1:500,

e. Cross sections illustrating basic principals of a structural design of the building in scale 1:500 (one of them shall be presented into the plan 6.6 – Cross Section A-A),

Plans shall be submitted on a maximum of 6 separate sheets, format A1 (594x840), portrait position. Plans shall be also submitted on 2 CD carriers in .PDF format (A3 format).
Colours are not prescribed.

The A1 sheets shall be glued on a solid base and submitted in an opaque and solid sealed package.
An identification code, to be chosen by the competitor, comprising a six-digit number and 2 letters, 10mm high, will be located on the bottom left-hand corner. On the bottom right-hand corner, there will be a separated frame 30 x 30mm designated for the number of the drawing. The Title: The New National Library of the Czech Republic should appear on each sheet.

8.2 Descriptive report including tables
A general report shall include a brief and clear explanation of the basic principles of the design with particular emphasis on:

8.2.1 Location of the building on the designated site,

8.2.2 General concept of the architectural design,

8.2.3 Simple description of operational and spatial relations inside the building,

8.2.4 Brief technical description of the structural design and materials used,

8.2.5 Table calculation of areas and volumes inserted into the sample tables covering all floors as well as the building as a whole, (see 6.2)

The required text shall not exceed 3 A4 pages (excluding tables) and shall be submitted in three printed copies. The required text will be also stored on 2 CD carriers together with the plans. All that shall be put together with the plans in a solid and opaque sealed package.

8.3 Model in scale 1:500
One simple volume model of the New Building in white colour shall be placed on a panel with dimensions as set forth in the competition documents under Article 6.8.
During evaluation, model will be inserted into an existing model of the Letna site. An identification code identical to the panel comprising six-digit number and 2 letters, 10mm high, shall be located on the underside of the panel under the model. Model will be packed into a solid opaque package. It is possible to send it in a separate package.

8.4 ”Identification” Envelope
The envelope with inscription “Identification“ shall contain names, addresses and signatures of authors, co-authors and the above mentioned 2 CD carriers with plans in .pdf format (A3 format) as well as the report in .doc or .xls (in case of tables) formats. It shall be sealed, completely opaque and placed together with the plans in a solid package. The identification code comprising six-digit number and 2 letters, 10mm high, will be on the front side of the envelope. It shall be sealed, completely opaque and placed together with the plans in a solid package.


The selected Stage II participants who submit qualified Stage II proposal will receive a fee of EURO 20.000 each.
The Jury has the right to modify requirements for submission of Stage II.

Competition entries shall use only the English language.

9.1 Plans of the stage II shall include:

a. General layout plan of the area in scale 1 : 500, including landscaping together with the design of the designated public space with new Addition of the National Library that is planned to be built after 2040.

b. Perspective views of a general architectural design of the New Library only (without new Addition) introduced into 4 photographs marked F1, F2, F3, F4, on A2 format,

c. Floor plans of all floors in scale 1 : 250 including equipment and description of areas and their functions,

d. All elevations of the New Library only (without the future Addition) in scale 1:250.

e. Cross sections illustrating a structural design of the building in scale 1:250 (one of them shall be presented into the plan 6.6 – Cross Section A-A),

f. Perspective view of the entrance hall looking from the building entrance on A2 format,

g. 2 perspective views into interiors of main spaces such as reading hall etc. on A2 format,

h. Elevational detail in scale 1 : 50 including its description.

Plans shall be submitted on a maximum of 12 separate sheets, format A1 (594x840), portrait position.
Plans shall be also submitted on 2 CD carriers in .PDF format (A3 format). Colours are not prescribed.
The A1 sheets shall be glued on a solid base and submitted in an opaque solid sealed package.
Identification should be identical to stage I.

9.2 Report including tables
A general report shall include an explanation of the principles of the design,
with particular emphasis on:

9.2.1 Location of the building in the designated area,

9.2.2 Concept of the proposed architectural design,

9.2.3 Description of operational and spatial relations inside the building,

9.2.4 Technical description of the structural design and materials used,

9.2.5 Table calculation of areas and volumes inserted into the sample tables covering all floors as well as the building as a whole ( see 6.2).

The required text shall not exceed 8 A4 pages (excluding tables) and shall be submitted in three printed copies. The required text will be also stored on 2 CD carriers together with the plans – as in stage I. All that shall be put together with the plans in a solid and opaque package.

9.3 Model in scale 1:500
Theirs material and colours are not determined.
One model of the New Building will be elaborated in more detail than for stage 1 and shall be placed on a panel with dimensions set forth in the competition data documents under Article 6.8
During evaluation, the model will be inserted into the existing model of the Letna site. The identification code identical to the panel comprising six-digit number and 2 letters, 10mm high, shall be located on the underside of the panel under the model. Model will be packed into a solid and opaque package. It is possible to send it in a separate package.

9.4 “Identification “Envelope
The envelope with the inscription “identification” shall contain names, addresses and signatures of authors and co-authors and 2 CD carriers with plans in .pdf format (A3 format) and a manual in .doc or .xls (in case of tables) formats. It shall be also placed together with the plans in a solid package sealed and completely opaque. The author’s name shall be identical with the author’s name given in stage I. The identification code ( the same as in stage I) comprising six-digit number and 2 letters, 10mm high, will be located on the front side of the envelope. It shall be also placed together with the plans in a solid package sealed and completely opaque.


Valid for both stages.

Designs will be presented anonymously with an identification code chosen by the competitor and made up of a six-digit number and 2 letters, 10mm high. Therefore, no part of a competition design shall contain a signature, password or any other graphical mark which could lead to breach of anonymity. The only exception is the content of the sealed and opaque envelope with inscription “Identification“.
On reception of the projects, the Technical Committee will mask the competitors identification codes by a serial number to be used throughout the jury meeting. A register containing the identification codes and the corresponding serial numbers will be lodged with the lawyer/notary until the jury has made its decision.

At the end of the first stage adjudication, the envelopes corresponding to the selected entries will be opened by the lawyer/notary who will notify the authors that they are invited to go ahead to the second stage and then re-seal them.

When anonymity has been lifted after the jury has declared the winning entries, all the envelopes will be opened.

Non-prize winning participants who wish to maintain anonymity during the public exhibition of projects, should indicate this wish in separate declaration in the “identification” envelope.


11.1 Professional and Technical Advisor
The Professional and Technical Advisor will ensure that the competition timetable is respected, he will supervise the registration of competitors, the reception of questions, and the despatching of the promoter’s replies to all competitors on web site, supervise the reception of competition entries and respect, at all times, the competitor’s anonymity. He will control the work of the Technical Committee, assist the Jury and be present during adjudication.

11.2 Technical Committee
A Technical Committee will be appointed by the Promoter and will work under the control of the Professional and Technical Advisor. It will check that entries fulfil the mandatory requirements for the Competition.
The Technical Committee will take no part in the adjudication process, nor may it eliminate any entry. It will point out to the Jury any deviation from the program or regulations, also with regard to the deadlines established for the Competition.

11.3 Experts
It is upon the decession of the jury if experts are invited. They cannot be present during adjudication.


12.1 Deliberations of the jury
At its first session, the jury will elect its President, note the evaluation criteria set by the promoter and possibly add other criteria as necessary. The method of working will be decided upon.
If a regular jury member is absent from the first meeting, he or she will be replaced by a substitute member for the rest of the meeting. If a regular member is absent for a short period, he or she will be replaced temporarily by a substitute member. Any vote taken will be valid. Deputy jurors must also be present at all sessions of the jury and can participate fully in the discussions.
Decisions will be taken by majority vote. In the case of a tied vote, the vote of the President of the jury will be counted duble.

12.2 Evaluation criteria
The criteria for the evaluation of the competition designs are as follows:

12.2.1 Quality of the overall design with regard to the location of the building in the designated area,

12.2.2 Comprehensive architectural quality of a design, including design of interior spaces,

12.2.3 Quality of functional, layout and operational designs,

12.2.4 Extent of compliance with programme requirements,

12.2.5 Economic and operational feasibility.

12.3 Reasons for elimination from the competition

12.3.1 The jury shall eliminate from the competition all those designs that

* do not comply with content requirements of the announced competition terms and conditions,
* do not comply with the anonymity requirements of the competition terms and conditions,
* were not delivered within the required deadlines.

12.3.2 Competitors are aware of the fact that the jury is obliged to eliminate from regular evaluation all those competition designs that do not comply with the prescribed conditions included in the presented regulations.

12.3.3 The jury will decide about the invitation of other experts if and when necessary.


13.1 Jury members

The same jury will adjudicate both stages of the competition. The jury has eight members and four deputies and will meet, act, and decide in the following composition:

13.2 Jury members

Ms. Zaha Hadid
Architect, Great Britain

Mr. Dominic Perrault
Architect, UIA representative, France

Ms. Irene Wiese-von Ofen
Architect, UNESCO representative, Germany

Ms. Eva Jiřičná
Architect, Great Britain

Mr. José Grinberg
Architect, Mexico

Mr. Petr Bílek
Architect, Czech Republic

Mr. Pavel Bém
Lord-Mayor of the Capital of Prague, Czech Republic

Mr. Vlastimil Ježek
Director-General of the National Library of the Czech Republic, Czech Republic

13.3 Deputy jury members

Mr. John Eisler
Architect, U.S.A.

Mr. Tony McLauglin
Architect, Great Britain

Mr. Jan Kněžínek
Director of Heritage Department, Municipality of the Capital of Prague, Czech Republic

Ms. Bohdana Stoklasová
Director of Library Collections and Services, The National Library of the Czech Republic, Czech Republic


14.1 Prizes
The total amount for prizes: EURO 350,000
1st prize EURO 160,000
2nd prize EURO 120,000
3rd prize EURO 70,000
Based on recommendations of the jury, prizes may be distributed otherwise.

14.2 Honourable Mentions
The total sum for awards intended for non-winning designs which bring remarkable partial ideas and solutions and advance to the stage II, is EURO 90,000
1st honourable mention EURO 35,000
2nd honourable mention EURO 30,000
3rd honourable mention EURO 25,000
Based on recommendations of the jury, honourable mentions may be distributed otherwise.

14.3 The jury may award 2 – 3 first prizes ex aequo.
In such a case, after anonymity has been lifted and the competition results announced, the jury may decide to interview the ex-aequo winners to determine the outright winner.

14.4 Payment term of Prizes and Honourable Mentions
The promoter shall pay the prizes and honourable mentions no later than forty days after announcement of the competition results.

14.5 Taxation of prizes and awards distributed in the competition

1. The Prizes and Honourable Mentions awarded to foreign competitors will be paid to full extent and will be taxed accordingly in their country.
2. Prizes and Honourable Mentions awarded to Czech participants will be dealt according to provisions of the Czech Republic law.


15.1 Date of announcement of the competition
The date of announcement of the competition is set to May 16, 2006

15.2 Documents available on web site June 2, 2006

15.3 Deadline for applications for registration June 30, 2006

15.4 Limit for submission of competitors‘ questions July 7, 2006

15.5 Deadline for answers to competitors questions
available on web site July 21, 2006

15.6 Deadline for submission of competition designs – stage I
The date of submission of competition designs in case of personal submission is set to September 29, 2006, from 08:00 to 14:00 hours

15.7 Deadline for reception of competition design - stage I
The date of reception in case of submission by post or courier service October 3,2006
All participants (while respecting also the first date) will ensure that their entry reaches the promoter by the second date.

15.8 Date of evaluation meeting of the jury – stage I
The date of the jury meeting for evaluation of competition designs is set to October 23 - 26, 2006

15.9 Competitors selected to participate in stage II will be informed by solicitor/notary by November 6, 2006

15.10 Deadline for submission of competitors‘ questions – stage II is set to November 24, 2006

15.11 Deadline for replies to questions on the web site: December 8, 2006

15.12 Deadline for submission of competition designs – stage II
The date of submission of competition designs (from 08:00 to 14:00 hours in case of personal submissions) February 2, 2007

15.13 Deadline for reception of competition designs – stage II
The date of reception in case of submission by post or courier service February 6, 2007
All participants will ensure that their entry reaches the promoter by the second date (while respecting also the first date).

15.14 Jury meeting– stage II February 28 – March 3, 2007

15.15 Announcement of the competition results March 3, 2007

15.16 Exhibition of competition designs March 24 – April 29, 2007

15.17 Deadline for payment of prizes and honourable mentions April 10, 2007


16.1 Admissible methods of submission of competition designs – stage I
Competition entries for stage I shall be submitted either personally or by post or via a courier service (DHL, Fedex, etc.) to the secretary of the competition at the following address (see Article 1.3):

Národní knihovna (National Library)
Ing.Lili Langová, e-mail: tel.: 00420 221 663 195
Klementinum 190
110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic

16.1.1 All competition entrier will be mark on the package with a sign: This package does not have any commercial character.

16.1.2 By September 29, 2006, from 08:00 to 14:00 hours in case of personal submission. The secretary of the competition will issue a confirmation on submission of a design in writing. In case of submissions by post or via a courier service, entries must be dated 29 September at the latest.

16.1.3 The deadline for the reception of submissions by post or via a courier service: October 3, 2006.
All participants will ensure that their entry reaches the promoter by the second date (while respecting also the first date).

16.2 Admissible methods of submission of competition designs – stage II
Competition designs of the round II shall be submitted either personally or via a courier service (DHL, Fedex, etc.) to the secretary of the competition at the following address (see Article 1.3):

Národní knihovna, (National Library)
Ing.Lili Langová, e-mail: tel.: 00420 221 663 195
Klementinum 190
110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic

16.2.1 All competition entrier will be mark on the package with a sign : This package does not have any commercial character.

16.2.2 By February 2, 2007, from 08:00 to 14:00 hours in case of personal submission. The secretary of the competition will issue a confirmation on submission of a design in writing. In case of submissions by post or via a courier service, entries must be dated 29 September at the latest.

16.2.3 The deadline for the reception of submissions sent by post or via a courier service; February 6, 2006.
All participans will ensure that their entry reaches the promoter by the second date (while respecting also the first date).


Consent of competitors with the Competition Terms and Conditions.
By submission of a competition design, a competitor agrees with the Competition Terms and Conditions and commits him/herself to follow and observe these regulations.


18.1 Copyrights of competitors

Authors of competition designs may publish their competition designs after the announcement of the competition results (stage II). Should it happen before the announcement of the competition results, their designs shall be eliminated.

18.2 Permission to use authorial works for the purposes of this competition
Designs which have been awarded a prize or an honourable mention become the ownership of the promoter. Their authors grant their consent to the promoter for the use of their submissions for the purposes of this competition. However, any use of their authorial works for other purposes than the ones set forth herein is bound to authorisation of the authors. All drawings and plans, with the exception of those which have been awarded prizes or honourable mentions, will be destroyed after closing of the public exhibition unless the authors request their return at their own expenses. Models of entries which have not received prizes or honourable mentions, will be returned to the authors at the promoter’s expense within one month after closing of the public exhibition.

18.3 Consent of competitors with exhibition of competition designs
By submission of a competition design, a competitor agrees with free reproduction and exhibition of his/her competition design for the promotion of the competition and its results. Images of the winning designs will also be published by the UIA on its web site and in its Newsletter.

18.4 Promoter’s commitment to organise an exhibition of competition designs
The promoter commits himself to organise a public exhibition of all competition designs within three months after announcement of the competition results. Competitors who does not wish that their own competition designs be exhibited or that they be exhibited without he author’s name shall express this wish in a separate declaration in the “identification” envelope.

18.5 Notification and announcement of competition results
The promoter shall inform competitors of the competition results. After final decision of the jury, the promoter shall announce the competition results in the same manner as the competition itself was announced.

18.6 Report of the competition jury: discussions and decisions
The report covering sessions and meetings of the jury, for stages I and II and their results shall contain in particular:

a. The minutes of jury’s meeting, including the results of all votes,
b. Decisions as to the elimination of a design from the competition,
c. A list of all the accepted competition designs,
d. A brief evaluation of all the competition designs having reached stage II,
e. The decision as to the granting of prizes and awards, including justification thereof,
f. Attendance lists for all sessions of the jury members and present experts.

The report covering meetings and decisions of the jury shall be finally confirmed by signatures of all regular jury members. Should jury members expressly ask for it, the report shall state their different opinions. The promoter of the competition shall send the final report to all competitors, jury members, and the UIA secretariat for dissemination.


19.1 The jury members are the only arbitrators in all and any stages of the competition till the granting of prizes.

19.2 In case of dispute, which is not related to the processes of evaluation or granting of prizes, the case shall be resolved through arbitration proceeding approved by UIA without bringing the case to legal authorities of the organising country. A dispute shall be lodged with UIA within 14 days after delivery of the competition results.

19.3 Other arbitration proceeding could include appointment of three arbitrators: each party of a dispute would appoint one and the third one would be appointed by the UIA Commission for International Competitions.

19.4 Costs of a settlement process or arbitration proceeding will be divided between both concerned parties.


The competition was approved by the UIA in compliance with UNESCO Revised Recommendations for International Architectural and Urban-Planning Competitions. Should certain issues be not directly covered in the Competition Regulations, the promoter and jury shall refer to the UIA Guide. In case of dispute, the English language version of the Competition Regulations and Competition Program shall prevail.

These Competition Regulations were approved by the International Union of Architects (UIA).

Written documents concerning approval of the Competition Regulations are filed by the promoter of the competition – the National Library of the Czech Republic in Prague.