Vollständiger Bekanntmachungstext im EU-Amtsblatt

11/12/2004 S242 European Economic Area - Services - Design contest notice

NO-Oslo: architectural, engineering and planning services

2004/S 242-208824




I.1) Official name and address of the contracting authority/entity:
Statsbygg, Att: 98041 KHiB Per Aksel Larsen, Biskop Gunnerus gt 6, Postboks 8106 Dep, N-0032 Oslo. Tel.: +47 22 24 28 00 . Fax: +47 22 24 28 06. E-mail: URL:
I.2) Address from which further information can be obtained:
As in I.1.
I.3) Address from which documentation may be obtained:
As in I.1.
I.4) Address to which requests to participate/projects must be sent:
As in I.1.
I.5) Type of contracting authority/entity:
Body governed by public law.


II.1) Project description
II.1.1) Title attributed to the design contest by the contracting authority/entity:
98041 Bergen National Academy of the Arts: Restricted design competition.
II.1.2) Description:
The Royal Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research has granted Statsbygg the responsibility of planning new premises for Bergen National Academy of the Arts (KhiB). Statsbygg, hereby, invites interested architectural firms to apply for participation in a limited planning and design competition. The new premises for Bergen National Academy of the Arts will be located at Møllendal, south of Store Lungegårdsvann in Bergen, Norway. The property measures approximately 14 decares. KHiB is one of the two state institutions with a particular responsibility for higher education, artistic research and development and the promotion of visual art and design. The Academy has currently 300 students and 100 employees. The schedule of accommodation for the new building encompasses approx. 17 500 m2 gross. The purpose of the competition is to produce proposals, which can be developed into detailed solutions for the Academy. The submissions shall be of high architectural quality, and satisfy the stated functional requirements, also to satisfy the high artistic ambitions of the staff and students. The external expression and appearance of the building shall reflect the activities within and ambitions of the Academy, including the Academy's central role in art and culture, both nationally and internationally. The submissions shall also include guidelines as to how the building shall respond to the adjacent and adjoining properties and to the public realm. In this respect, guidelines shall relate to the adjacent properties and demonstrate how possible future expansion can take place. Landscape and solutions for the external spaces shall also be included in the proposal. The submissions shall include an assessment on whether part of the existing industrial building can be preserved and retained. It is also a competition requirement to demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the use of glass and light in the building, as well as an understanding of the need for sustainable solutions in the design of the building, with particular attention to the facades. There are specific environmental requirements that must be satisfied in the development of the project. Statsbygg's intention to enter into a contract for architectural design services (including landscape architecture) with the winner or one of the winners of the competition. An additional contract can also be awarded for an extension of approx. 10 000 m2. A programme summary will be available on Statsbygg's website (competitions) within 1.1.2005.
II.1.3) Site:
Bergen, Norway.
II.1.4) Nomenclature
II.1.4.1) Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV):
II.1.4.3) Service category:


III.1) Criteria for the selection of participants:
Tax and VAT certificate, not older than 6 months, issued by the competent authority to the effect that the tenderer has fulfilled his obligations relating to the payment of taxes, social security contributions and VAT;
Tax certificates are issued by the Chief Municipal Treasurer in the municipality where the supplier has their head office and by the tax collector in the equivalent county;
Health, environment and safety statement;
The applicant must be a legally registered company;
Certificate of professional or commercial registration as mandated by the Member state in which the tenderer is;
Certificate from the Register of Business Enterprises;
The applicant must have a satisfactory economic and financial position;
Documentation of the applicant's turnover for the services that the contract comprises of (architectural services) for the last 3 years;
Extracts from the annual accounts for the last 3 accounting years with the auditor's comments;
The applicant must have competence such as graduate architect or approved architect in accordance with the EU's architect directive, good capacity, relevant experience, good administrative routines;
Details of the company's total manpower;
Manpower for this assignment (organisation plan) with names and CVs for the key persons who shall carry out the service;
CVs for key persons shall include information about education and relevant experience with reference to reference projects (max. two pages per person).
A review of the applicant's principal deliveries in the last five years with information about value, date and recipient (max. two A4 pages);
A presentation of reference projects with a transferable value to this project, at least one, max. four projects, which in a relevant way can demonstrate the applicant's experience and insight connected to an understanding of the assignment and user processes in complex projects;
The type, size, date, contract's value, awarding authority, and other relevant aspects which highlight the degree of difficulty connected to a restricted site situation, regulatory conditions, complex technical sites, cultural heritage and processes for user participation must be apparant;
The projects shall be presented in a simple visual way and restricted to a max. of two A4 sides per project;
A short account of the applicant's health, environment and safety policy, quality assurance/management system.
III.2) Participation reserved for a particular profession:


IV.1) Type of contest:
IV.1.1) Number of participants or range:
IV.2) Criteria to be applied in the evaluation of projects:
Criteria as stated in tender documents;
The competition programme will only be sent to those who are chosen for participation in the restricted design competition.
IV.3) Administrative Information
IV.3.1) Reference number attributed to the file by the contracting authority/entity:
Prosjektnr 98041 KHiB sak 200402474.
IV.3.3) Deadline for receipt of projects or requests to participate:
17.1.2005. Time: 16:00.
IV.3.5) Language or languages which may be used by candidates:
Danish. English. Swedish.
IV.4) Rewards and jury
IV.4.2) Details of payments to all participants:
The five chosen participants in the competition will receive 300 000 NOK excluding VAT for approved competition drafts;
the jury will rank the winners.
IV.4.3) The service contract part of the follow-up of the design contest must be awarded to the winner or to one of the winners of the contest:
IV.4.4) The decision of the jury is binding on the contracting authority/entity:
IV.4.5) Names of the selected members of the jury:
The jury's composition will be announced in the competition programme.


VI.1) Non-mandatory notice:
VI.2) The design contest relates to a project/programme financed by EU funds:
VI.3) Additional information:
Statsbygg will shortlist the five best qualified applicants to participate in the limited design competition;
In selecting the final five participants, a max of 12 applicants will be invited for an interview so that questions can be asked with reference to the submitted application material;
the interviews will be held during the period 7.2.2005 - 11.2.2005;
the competiton will commence approx. 20.2.2005 and the deadline for submission will be approx. 5.5.2005;
the competition, contract and architectural design language is Norwegian;
the documentation from applicants shall be organised and numbered as follows:
1. Tax and VAT certificate, health, environment and safety statement;
2. Documentation connected to the applicant's legal position;
3. Documentation connected to the applicant's economical and financial capacity;
4. Documentation connected to the applicant's technical capacity; documentation in this point shall be numbered:
4.1 CV for key persons
4.2 Review of principal deliveries
4.3 Reference projects
4.4 Health, environment and safety policy and quality assurance system/management system, summary.
Norsk lysingsblad's reference: 2004-22442.
VI.4) Date of dispatch of this notice:
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der Europäischen Union
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11/12/2004 S242 European Economic Area - Services - Design contest notice

NO-Oslo: architectural, engineering and planning services

2004/S 242-208824




I.1) Official name and address of the contracting authority/entity:
Statsbygg, Att: 98041 KHiB Per Aksel Larsen, Biskop Gunnerus gt 6, Postboks 8106 Dep, N-0032 Oslo. Tel.: +47 22 24 28 00 . Fax: +47 22 24 28 06. E-mail: URL:
I.2) Address from which further information can be obtained:
As in I.1.
I.3) Address from which documentation may be obtained:
As in I.1.
I.4) Address to which requests to participate/projects must be sent:
As in I.1.
I.5) Type of contracting authority/entity:
Body governed by public law.


II.1) Project description
II.1.1) Title attributed to the design contest by the contracting authority/entity:
98041 Bergen National Academy of the Arts: Restricted design competition.
II.1.2) Description:
The Royal Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research has granted Statsbygg the responsibility of planning new premises for Bergen National Academy of the Arts (KhiB). Statsbygg, hereby, invites interested architectural firms to apply for participation in a limited planning and design competition. The new premises for Bergen National Academy of the Arts will be located at Møllendal, south of Store Lungegårdsvann in Bergen, Norway. The property measures approximately 14 decares. KHiB is one of the two state institutions with a particular responsibility for higher education, artistic research and development and the promotion of visual art and design. The Academy has currently 300 students and 100 employees. The schedule of accommodation for the new building encompasses approx. 17 500 m2 gross. The purpose of the competition is to produce proposals, which can be developed into detailed solutions for the Academy. The submissions shall be of high architectural quality, and satisfy the stated functional requirements, also to satisfy the high artistic ambitions of the staff and students. The external expression and appearance of the building shall reflect the activities within and ambitions of the Academy, including the Academy's central role in art and culture, both nationally and internationally. The submissions shall also include guidelines as to how the building shall respond to the adjacent and adjoining properties and to the public realm. In this respect, guidelines shall relate to the adjacent properties and demonstrate how possible future expansion can take place. Landscape and solutions for the external spaces shall also be included in the proposal. The submissions shall include an assessment on whether part of the existing industrial building can be preserved and retained. It is also a competition requirement to demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the use of glass and light in the building, as well as an understanding of the need for sustainable solutions in the design of the building, with particular attention to the facades. There are specific environmental requirements that must be satisfied in the development of the project. Statsbygg's intention to enter into a contract for architectural design services (including landscape architecture) with the winner or one of the winners of the competition. An additional contract can also be awarded for an extension of approx. 10 000 m2. A programme summary will be available on Statsbygg's website (competitions) within 1.1.2005.
II.1.3) Site:
Bergen, Norway.
II.1.4) Nomenclature
II.1.4.1) Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV):
II.1.4.3) Service category:


III.1) Criteria for the selection of participants:
Tax and VAT certificate, not older than 6 months, issued by the competent authority to the effect that the tenderer has fulfilled his obligations relating to the payment of taxes, social security contributions and VAT;
Tax certificates are issued by the Chief Municipal Treasurer in the municipality where the supplier has their head office and by the tax collector in the equivalent county;
Health, environment and safety statement;
The applicant must be a legally registered company;
Certificate of professional or commercial registration as mandated by the Member state in which the tenderer is;
Certificate from the Register of Business Enterprises;
The applicant must have a satisfactory economic and financial position;
Documentation of the applicant's turnover for the services that the contract comprises of (architectural services) for the last 3 years;
Extracts from the annual accounts for the last 3 accounting years with the auditor's comments;
The applicant must have competence such as graduate architect or approved architect in accordance with the EU's architect directive, good capacity, relevant experience, good administrative routines;
Details of the company's total manpower;
Manpower for this assignment (organisation plan) with names and CVs for the key persons who shall carry out the service;
CVs for key persons shall include information about education and relevant experience with reference to reference projects (max. two pages per person).
A review of the applicant's principal deliveries in the last five years with information about value, date and recipient (max. two A4 pages);
A presentation of reference projects with a transferable value to this project, at least one, max. four projects, which in a relevant way can demonstrate the applicant's experience and insight connected to an understanding of the assignment and user processes in complex projects;
The type, size, date, contract's value, awarding authority, and other relevant aspects which highlight the degree of difficulty connected to a restricted site situation, regulatory conditions, complex technical sites, cultural heritage and processes for user participation must be apparant;
The projects shall be presented in a simple visual way and restricted to a max. of two A4 sides per project;
A short account of the applicant's health, environment and safety policy, quality assurance/management system.
III.2) Participation reserved for a particular profession:


IV.1) Type of contest:
IV.1.1) Number of participants or range:
IV.2) Criteria to be applied in the evaluation of projects:
Criteria as stated in tender documents;
The competition programme will only be sent to those who are chosen for participation in the restricted design competition.
IV.3) Administrative Information
IV.3.1) Reference number attributed to the file by the contracting authority/entity:
Prosjektnr 98041 KHiB sak 200402474.
IV.3.3) Deadline for receipt of projects or requests to participate:
17.1.2005. Time: 16:00.
IV.3.5) Language or languages which may be used by candidates:
Danish. English. Swedish.
IV.4) Rewards and jury
IV.4.2) Details of payments to all participants:
The five chosen participants in the competition will receive 300 000 NOK excluding VAT for approved competition drafts;
the jury will rank the winners.
IV.4.3) The service contract part of the follow-up of the design contest must be awarded to the winner or to one of the winners of the contest:
IV.4.4) The decision of the jury is binding on the contracting authority/entity:
IV.4.5) Names of the selected members of the jury:
The jury's composition will be announced in the competition programme.


VI.1) Non-mandatory notice:
VI.2) The design contest relates to a project/programme financed by EU funds:
VI.3) Additional information:
Statsbygg will shortlist the five best qualified applicants to participate in the limited design competition;
In selecting the final five participants, a max of 12 applicants will be invited for an interview so that questions can be asked with reference to the submitted application material;
the interviews will be held during the period 7.2.2005 - 11.2.2005;
the competiton will commence approx. 20.2.2005 and the deadline for submission will be approx. 5.5.2005;
the competition, contract and architectural design language is Norwegian;
the documentation from applicants shall be organised and numbered as follows:
1. Tax and VAT certificate, health, environment and safety statement;
2. Documentation connected to the applicant's legal position;
3. Documentation connected to the applicant's economical and financial capacity;
4. Documentation connected to the applicant's technical capacity; documentation in this point shall be numbered:
4.1 CV for key persons
4.2 Review of principal deliveries
4.3 Reference projects
4.4 Health, environment and safety policy and quality assurance system/management system, summary.
Norsk lysingsblad's reference: 2004-22442.
VI.4) Date of dispatch of this notice: