- Weitere Angebote:
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- Videoreihe ARCHlab (Porträts)
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Vollständiger Bekanntmachungstext
International competition
for the design of the Nam June Paik Museum
In Yong-In, Province of Kyonggi (Republic of Korea)
The Kyonggi Cultural Foundation launches a single stage open international ideas competition for the design of a museum dedicated to the media artist Nam June Paik.
In conformity with the UNESCO-UIA regulations, the competition has been approved by the International Union of Architects (UIA).
The aim of the competition is to select an architectural design the excellence of which will harmonise with that of the creative work of the Korean artist, a pioneer in artistic research linked with the media. The museum will house the work of the artist and serve as a framework for his creative work of the future. At the same time, this museum will promote the Province of Kyonggi as an international centre for arts and culture.
The Museum, of a surface of 5000 m2 will be built on a site of about 33 000 m2.
The main elements of the programme are as follows:
o Permanent and temporary exhibition spaces: Nam June Paik gallery and a replica of the artist’s studio; a hall for a site-specific artwork by the artist
o Research and educational spaces; an auditorium, an audio-visual room, a library/research centre, seminar rooms, offices
o Technical facilities for restoration and storage
o Administration facilities
o Visitors amenities: shop, café, playground, performance space, rest zone
o Sculpture garden and open-air studio.
The international jury will be composed as follows:
o Odile Decq, architect (France), representing the UIA
o Arata Isozaki, architect (Japan)
o Jin-Kyoon Kim, architect (Republic of Korea)
o Jong Soung Kimm, architect (Republic of Korea)
o Ki Soo Oh, President, Korean Institute of Architects (Republic of Korea)
o Axel Schultes, architect (Germany)
o Ricardo Scofidio, architect (USA)
Alternate member:
o Roberto Simon, architect (Brazil), representing UIA
Expert Advisor:
o John Hanhardt, Guggenheim Museum, New York, to provide expert opinions on Nam June Paik's work
Three prizes will be awarded: 1st prize: 20 000 US$, 2nd prize: 12 000 US$, 3rd prize: 8 000 US$. In addition 3 mentions of 2 000 US$ will be awarded.
Following the competition, the author of the winning project, in collaboration with the artist, will develop a more detailed brief. Finally, for the purpose of developing the final plans for the museum, the winner will associate with a Korean architect of his/her choice.
Deadline for the reception of registrations 17 May 2003
Deadline for submitting competitors questions (by e-mail) 31 May 2003
Replies to questions will be posted on the competition web site 2 June 2003
Deadline for handing in or sending entries 9 August 200 3
Deadline for reception of posted entries 16 August 2003
Announcement of the results 29 August 2003
The competition is open to licensed architects and multi-disciplinary teams led by an architect.
Competitors should register on-line at the competition web site:
The non-reimbursable registration fee of KRW 125 000 (equivalent to 100 US $ ) will be paid on-line by credit card.
Entries shall be presented on 5 sheets, format A2 (59,4 X 42 cm) and include: site plan at 1/500, plans, sections and elevations at 1/200, in black and white as well as a perspective which can be in colour. An illustrated descriptive report of 12 pages maximum, format A4 will be submitted with the 6 sheets.
The language for the competition will be English.
It should be noted that competitors will be required to research Nam June Paik's work themselves. The competition promoter will provide a visual documentation of the Kyonggi Cultural Foundation's collection together with the competition brief.
Kyonggi Cultural Foundation
T. 82 31 231 85 38 – F. 82 31 231 85 30
Professional Advisor
T. 82 2 880 74 90 – F. 82 2 871 55 18
Paris, 24 March 2003
for the design of the Nam June Paik Museum
In Yong-In, Province of Kyonggi (Republic of Korea)
The Kyonggi Cultural Foundation launches a single stage open international ideas competition for the design of a museum dedicated to the media artist Nam June Paik.
In conformity with the UNESCO-UIA regulations, the competition has been approved by the International Union of Architects (UIA).
The aim of the competition is to select an architectural design the excellence of which will harmonise with that of the creative work of the Korean artist, a pioneer in artistic research linked with the media. The museum will house the work of the artist and serve as a framework for his creative work of the future. At the same time, this museum will promote the Province of Kyonggi as an international centre for arts and culture.
The Museum, of a surface of 5000 m2 will be built on a site of about 33 000 m2.
The main elements of the programme are as follows:
o Permanent and temporary exhibition spaces: Nam June Paik gallery and a replica of the artist’s studio; a hall for a site-specific artwork by the artist
o Research and educational spaces; an auditorium, an audio-visual room, a library/research centre, seminar rooms, offices
o Technical facilities for restoration and storage
o Administration facilities
o Visitors amenities: shop, café, playground, performance space, rest zone
o Sculpture garden and open-air studio.
The international jury will be composed as follows:
o Odile Decq, architect (France), representing the UIA
o Arata Isozaki, architect (Japan)
o Jin-Kyoon Kim, architect (Republic of Korea)
o Jong Soung Kimm, architect (Republic of Korea)
o Ki Soo Oh, President, Korean Institute of Architects (Republic of Korea)
o Axel Schultes, architect (Germany)
o Ricardo Scofidio, architect (USA)
Alternate member:
o Roberto Simon, architect (Brazil), representing UIA
Expert Advisor:
o John Hanhardt, Guggenheim Museum, New York, to provide expert opinions on Nam June Paik's work
Three prizes will be awarded: 1st prize: 20 000 US$, 2nd prize: 12 000 US$, 3rd prize: 8 000 US$. In addition 3 mentions of 2 000 US$ will be awarded.
Following the competition, the author of the winning project, in collaboration with the artist, will develop a more detailed brief. Finally, for the purpose of developing the final plans for the museum, the winner will associate with a Korean architect of his/her choice.
Deadline for the reception of registrations 17 May 2003
Deadline for submitting competitors questions (by e-mail) 31 May 2003
Replies to questions will be posted on the competition web site 2 June 2003
Deadline for handing in or sending entries 9 August 200 3
Deadline for reception of posted entries 16 August 2003
Announcement of the results 29 August 2003
The competition is open to licensed architects and multi-disciplinary teams led by an architect.
Competitors should register on-line at the competition web site:
The non-reimbursable registration fee of KRW 125 000 (equivalent to 100 US $ ) will be paid on-line by credit card.
Entries shall be presented on 5 sheets, format A2 (59,4 X 42 cm) and include: site plan at 1/500, plans, sections and elevations at 1/200, in black and white as well as a perspective which can be in colour. An illustrated descriptive report of 12 pages maximum, format A4 will be submitted with the 6 sheets.
The language for the competition will be English.
It should be noted that competitors will be required to research Nam June Paik's work themselves. The competition promoter will provide a visual documentation of the Kyonggi Cultural Foundation's collection together with the competition brief.
Kyonggi Cultural Foundation
T. 82 31 231 85 38 – F. 82 31 231 85 30
Professional Advisor
T. 82 2 880 74 90 – F. 82 2 871 55 18
Paris, 24 March 2003