Bekanntmachungstext (englisch)

The Association of the Jewish Historical Institute in Poland, the Organizer of the International Architectural Design Competition for the building of the Museum of the History of Polish Jews invites all parties interested to submit their candidatures for the pre-selection. Detailed information about the Competition can be found in the Competition Regulations.

Architects are invited to provide an architectural concept for a building which is to house the Museum together with a site plan for the development of surrounding areas bordered by Anielewicza, Zamenhofa, Lewartowskiego and Karmelicka streets in Warsaw.

The Competition is organized as a one-stage international architectural design Competition with a pre-selection of qualified applicants. Architects from all countries interested in taking part in the Competition, who are registered and authorized to practice as architects, individually, in groups, as well as in partnerships or teams, are asked to submit their portfolios to the Organizer of the Competition.

The Entrants are asked to send a document, A3 size, not longer than 24 pages, which should include list of members of the team, specific competence of each member and a written description and illustrations depicting winning projects or commendations in previous architectural competitions as well as other built or not completed projects. If the team members wish and feel it would be helpful they can also include their own reflections and ideas on the Competition aim.

All the documents mentioned above should be sent to the Competition Secretariat until March 15, 2005, 5.00 p.m. Warsaw time.

A detailed information on the Competition and its Regulations are available on the Museum website and at

The Competition Secretariat

The Museum of the History of Polish Jews

48, Jelinka Street

01-646 Warsaw


Tel 0048 22 833 00 21

Fax 0048 22 832 20 43 Email:

The Competition Jury, chaired by architect Bohdan Paczowski from Luxembourg, will choose from the submissions 9 Participants who will be invited to take part in the Competition. It is the intention of the Organizer to announce the short-listed candidates on March 24, 2005. The list of the participants or teams who have been selected will be put on the Museum website and announced to the public.

The Jury will have the task to conduct the selection of candidates so that these candidates will include both internationally renowned creators of museums and architects from Poland and other countries who have as yet not had the opportunity of working on this kind of building. The short-listed Participants will be given the Program of the Core Exhibition as well as the detailed program for the remainder of the building and other necessary documents.

Competition designs must be submitted as anonymous by June 21, 2005. The Winner of the competition will be announced until June 30, 2005. The winning party will be awarded a prize of 40,000 USD or its equivalent in PLN or Euro. The Competition Jury will recommend the winning design to the Organizer of the Competition for implementation. Each of the short-listed participants, who submit their designs, will receive as the reimbursement of their expenses the sum of $20,000 or its equivalent.

Funding of the organization of this international Competition was obtained from private sources in the USA and Poland.