Holcim Awards

Gebäudetyp Gebäudetyp-Unabhängig
Art Architekturpreis
Zulassungstyp offener Wettbewerb
Wettbewerbstyp International Award
Zulassungsbereich The Holcim Awards competition is comprised of five regional Holcim Awards (in 2004/5) and the global Holcim Award (in 2006). The regional Holcim Awards are based on five geographic regions:
- Europe
- North America
- Latin America
- Africa Middle East
- Asia Pacific
"Regions" is determined by the location of the projects, in the case of site-independent projects, the affiliation is based on the place of residence of the principal author.
Auslober The Holcim Awards is a competition of the Holcim Foundation for Sustainable Construction based in Switzerland. The independent Foundation is supported by Holcim Ltd, one of the world's leading suppliers of cement, aggregates, concrete and construction-related services with Group companies and affliates in more than 70 countries.
The competition is conducted in partnership with: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, USA; Tongji University, Shanghai, China; University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil; University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa and [phase eins]. Berlin:
Teilnehmer Participation
The Holcim Awards recognize contributions to sustainable construction – irrespective of scale – in architecture, landscape and urban design, civil and mechanical engineering and other related disciplines. The design must demonstrate proof of sustainability according to the five target issues. At the deadline for submission to the regional awards (March 31, 2005) the project must have reached an advanced design stage prior to the beginning of construction. Projects that do not meet these requirements may be excluded by the jury.
Entries may be submitted by the project’s design team which consists of the author(s) and all other persons responsible for the project. Eligible for participation are private or public promoters/investors or architects/planners/engineers involved in the project. Legal entities and design teams must name an authorized representative who will act as the responsible contact person.
The statements made in the online Declaration of Authorship are considered to be true and legally binding in compliance with local applicable laws and regulations.Every author is required to individually clarify his or her eligibility for participation. The eligibility of the authors will be rechecked after the meeting of the jury.
Preise The total prize money for each cycle of the regional and global Holcim Awards is USD 2 million.
The total prize amount for each of the five regional competitions is USD 220,000: first prize USD 100,000; second 50,000; third USD 25,000; three acknowledgement prizes of USD 10,000 each. Juries will also award encouragement prizes from a total budget of USD 15,000 per region to at least three other entries. Awards and prizes of the regional competition will be presented at a Holcim Awards ceremony in each region in the third quarter of 2005.
The Awarded regional entries (15 projects) take part in the global Holcim Award competition in 2006. The total prize amount for the global competition is USD 900,000 (first prize: USD 500,000; second USD 250,000; third USD 150,000). The prizes of the global competition will be presented at the global Holcim Award ceremony in 2006.
All prizes will be awarded to the responsible author or team of authors listed by the applicants in the submission. All awards are subject to the positive outcome of the authors’ check for eligibility and to compliance with local and international laws and regulations.
Wettbewerbsleistungen To enter the competition each participant must submit through this Internet site the following information.
-information on the author(s) of the project,
- description of the project,
- five to ten images illustrating the project,
- photo of the design team (optional),
- statements about the project’s relation to the five target issues,
- self assessment with regard to the five target issues.
Submission of entries is only possible via the Internet. No written applications (hardcopy) will be accepted. A step-by-step guide with examples for submitting applications explains the details.
Termine Bekanntgabe der Gewinner: 16.09.2005