- Weitere Angebote:
- Filme BauNetz TV
- Produktsuche
- Videoreihe ARCHlab (Porträts)
Ums Theater gebaut
Kulturzentrum in Hertford von Bennetts Associates
Diversität in der Schöneberger Linse
Wohnprojekt von roedig . schop architekten in Berlin
Neobarock in Stoff und Stahl
Jugendkunstschule in Dresden von Kunze Reisnecker und Pascal Hien
Peripherie als Chance
Poschiavo erhält Wakkerpreis 2025
Buchtipp: Wollbau
Eine unterschätzte Ressource
Betonkante für den Dreißigjährigen Krieg
Museum in Lützen von Peter Zirkel und Naumann Wasserkampf Architekten
Neuzugang im Olympiapark
Stadion von 3XN und CL MAP in München
Vollständiger Bekanntmachungstext des UIA
The Hellenic Ministry of the Environment, Planning and Public Works is launching an international ideas competition for the design and urban development of the Hellenikon Park.
In conformity with the UNESCO-UIA regulations concerning international competitions, this competition has been approved by the International Union of Architects (UIA).
The transfer of Athens airport from Hellenikon to the Mesogeia plain, in 2001, made available a large piece of prime land close to Athens, ten kilometres from the Acropole and very close to the Saronic Coast. The planning and management of this extensive area, of some 530 hectares, is a unique opportunity for Athens to reclaim a green area badly needed to improve the quality of the city's environment.
The aim of the competition is to select a project for the realisation of a XXI century urban park of exceptional scale and remarkable design.
The programme makes provision for housing, offices and social services ((infrastructures, hotels, conference centres) on one hundred hectares of the site as well as a vast park which will include green areas, cultural, sports and leisure facilities along with the infrastructures associated with these different sectors. The restoration of some existing buildings, amongst which 1930's modernist villas and the terminal designed by Eero Saarinen in 1960, will also have to be considered as well as the integration of a number of existing or planned facilities or infrastructures.
The economic feasibility of the whole operation must be ensured in relation to the income accrued from the urban development of the site, which should also secure an allowance for regeneration of additional zones within the metropolitan area of Athens.
The international jury is composed as follows:
o Peter Rowe, architect (New-Zealand - USA)
o Christof Girot (Switzerland)
o Louis C. Wassenhoven (Greece)
o Raj Rewal (India) UIA representative
o Andreas Symeon (Greece)
and two members to be designated.
Reserve members:
o Axel Lohrer, architect (Germany), deputy UIA representative
o Chi Win Lo (P. R. of China – Hong Kong).
The competition is open to architect-urban designers or planners world-wide who have the right to practice the profession in their country of residence, and multi-disciplinary teams led by an architect.
Applications for registration should be sent to the competition secretariat and include name, address and nationality, postal and electronic addresses, telephone and fax numbers as well as a document proving the individual or team leader's right to practice the profession in his/her country and also a receipt showing that the non-reimbursable registration fee has been paid. The name on the receipt must be that of the individual or team leader. Any bank charges are to be paid by the competitor.
The registration fee of 60 Euros is to be paid to the order of:
Organisation for Planning and Environmental Protection of Athens
Bank of Greece
21 Panepistimiou str., 106 72 Athens Greece
Account N° 26755/9
Deadline for reception of registrations 10 January 2004
Deadline for handing-in or despatching entries 17 March 2004
Deadline for reception of despatched entries 22 March 2004
Jury meeting 2 / 5 April 2004
Exhibition of entries 8 April/ 8 May 2004
Competitors must submit four sheets (format A1 59,4 cm X 84 cm - landscape)
o Presentation of the design concept
o General layout plan, sections and main elevations, scale 1 : 5000 including:
Units of green areas according to their character and role
Main squares and open air installations
Pedestrian and bicycle networks
Use of existing and possible new buildings
Transportation and traffic plan
o Urban development areas, in the form of sketches, axonometrics or perspective views.
o A written report (format A4) of 10 pages maximum together with A3 format reductions of the panels, in 10 copies.
A CD rom containing all the submitted material in digital form.
The competitions languages are Greek and English.
o First prize: 60 000 euros
o Second prize: 40 000 euros
o Third prize: 30 000 euros
Mentions (seven maximum): 15 000 euros each
Competition Secretariat
Organisation for Planning and Environmental Protection of Athens
2, Panormou Street
115 23 Athens (Greece)
T. 00 301 210 643 78 95 and 00 301 210 646 98 13
F. 00 301 210 646 43 65
E-mail :
Paris, 5 December 2003
The Hellenic Ministry of the Environment, Planning and Public Works is launching an international ideas competition for the design and urban development of the Hellenikon Park.
In conformity with the UNESCO-UIA regulations concerning international competitions, this competition has been approved by the International Union of Architects (UIA).
The transfer of Athens airport from Hellenikon to the Mesogeia plain, in 2001, made available a large piece of prime land close to Athens, ten kilometres from the Acropole and very close to the Saronic Coast. The planning and management of this extensive area, of some 530 hectares, is a unique opportunity for Athens to reclaim a green area badly needed to improve the quality of the city's environment.
The aim of the competition is to select a project for the realisation of a XXI century urban park of exceptional scale and remarkable design.
The programme makes provision for housing, offices and social services ((infrastructures, hotels, conference centres) on one hundred hectares of the site as well as a vast park which will include green areas, cultural, sports and leisure facilities along with the infrastructures associated with these different sectors. The restoration of some existing buildings, amongst which 1930's modernist villas and the terminal designed by Eero Saarinen in 1960, will also have to be considered as well as the integration of a number of existing or planned facilities or infrastructures.
The economic feasibility of the whole operation must be ensured in relation to the income accrued from the urban development of the site, which should also secure an allowance for regeneration of additional zones within the metropolitan area of Athens.
The international jury is composed as follows:
o Peter Rowe, architect (New-Zealand - USA)
o Christof Girot (Switzerland)
o Louis C. Wassenhoven (Greece)
o Raj Rewal (India) UIA representative
o Andreas Symeon (Greece)
and two members to be designated.
Reserve members:
o Axel Lohrer, architect (Germany), deputy UIA representative
o Chi Win Lo (P. R. of China – Hong Kong).
The competition is open to architect-urban designers or planners world-wide who have the right to practice the profession in their country of residence, and multi-disciplinary teams led by an architect.
Applications for registration should be sent to the competition secretariat and include name, address and nationality, postal and electronic addresses, telephone and fax numbers as well as a document proving the individual or team leader's right to practice the profession in his/her country and also a receipt showing that the non-reimbursable registration fee has been paid. The name on the receipt must be that of the individual or team leader. Any bank charges are to be paid by the competitor.
The registration fee of 60 Euros is to be paid to the order of:
Organisation for Planning and Environmental Protection of Athens
Bank of Greece
21 Panepistimiou str., 106 72 Athens Greece
Account N° 26755/9
Deadline for reception of registrations 10 January 2004
Deadline for handing-in or despatching entries 17 March 2004
Deadline for reception of despatched entries 22 March 2004
Jury meeting 2 / 5 April 2004
Exhibition of entries 8 April/ 8 May 2004
Competitors must submit four sheets (format A1 59,4 cm X 84 cm - landscape)
o Presentation of the design concept
o General layout plan, sections and main elevations, scale 1 : 5000 including:
Units of green areas according to their character and role
Main squares and open air installations
Pedestrian and bicycle networks
Use of existing and possible new buildings
Transportation and traffic plan
o Urban development areas, in the form of sketches, axonometrics or perspective views.
o A written report (format A4) of 10 pages maximum together with A3 format reductions of the panels, in 10 copies.
A CD rom containing all the submitted material in digital form.
The competitions languages are Greek and English.
o First prize: 60 000 euros
o Second prize: 40 000 euros
o Third prize: 30 000 euros
Mentions (seven maximum): 15 000 euros each
Competition Secretariat
Organisation for Planning and Environmental Protection of Athens
2, Panormou Street
115 23 Athens (Greece)
T. 00 301 210 643 78 95 and 00 301 210 646 98 13
F. 00 301 210 646 43 65
E-mail :
Paris, 5 December 2003