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Grundschule von LRO in Hamburg
Sorgsamer Erhalt in der Auvergne
Scheunenumbau von COVE Architectes
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Ein Pass für Gebäuderessourcen
Drei Fragen an Dominik Campanella von Concular
Baukulturerbe für die Zukunft
Stadtdialog in Bremen
Historische Fassade und Rankhilfe
Schulerweiterung von hey! architektur in Wien
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Englischer Bekanntmachungstext
The GeoCenter Møns Klint - international design competition
The project competition for a new experience centre at Møns Klint has now been organised. The
competition is about making proposals for a 3000 m2 nature based geology and experience centre, situated in the magnificent scenery at the Store Klint of Møns Klint. Every year about 250,000 visitors
guest the 130-metre-high chalk cliffs by the Baltic Sea at the eastside of Møn. Here, during the next 3-4 years, it is the intention to create a centre to support and supplement the visitor’s spontaneous
experience of the majestic nature of the Cliff.
The competition is organised by the steering committee of GeoCenter Møns Klint, which consist of
Skov- & Naturstyrelsen, Møn Municipality, Storstrøm County, Danmarks Naturfredningsforening,
Friluftsrådet, Turisme region syd and Team Møn. Danske Arkitekters Landsforbund (the Danish
architects’ organisation) participate in the organisation of the competition.
The competition is open to architects and engineers in Denmark, other EU countries as well as
countries outside the EU. The prize amount is DKK 600,000. The winner of the competition is given the subsequent projecting task.
The deadline for entries is February 15th 2002.
The competition programme can be ordered by application to the Competition Secretariat of the
Federation of Danish Architects (DAL): DAL, Konkurrencesekretariatet, Strandgade 27 A, DK-1401
Copenhagen K. Denmark. Phone: + 45 32 83 69 00 Fax: + 45 32 83 69 01 E-mail:
The project competition for a new experience centre at Møns Klint has now been organised. The
competition is about making proposals for a 3000 m2 nature based geology and experience centre, situated in the magnificent scenery at the Store Klint of Møns Klint. Every year about 250,000 visitors
guest the 130-metre-high chalk cliffs by the Baltic Sea at the eastside of Møn. Here, during the next 3-4 years, it is the intention to create a centre to support and supplement the visitor’s spontaneous
experience of the majestic nature of the Cliff.
The competition is organised by the steering committee of GeoCenter Møns Klint, which consist of
Skov- & Naturstyrelsen, Møn Municipality, Storstrøm County, Danmarks Naturfredningsforening,
Friluftsrådet, Turisme region syd and Team Møn. Danske Arkitekters Landsforbund (the Danish
architects’ organisation) participate in the organisation of the competition.
The competition is open to architects and engineers in Denmark, other EU countries as well as
countries outside the EU. The prize amount is DKK 600,000. The winner of the competition is given the subsequent projecting task.
The deadline for entries is February 15th 2002.
The competition programme can be ordered by application to the Competition Secretariat of the
Federation of Danish Architects (DAL): DAL, Konkurrencesekretariatet, Strandgade 27 A, DK-1401
Copenhagen K. Denmark. Phone: + 45 32 83 69 00 Fax: + 45 32 83 69 01 E-mail: