
Kurze Liste

Nominierte für Stirling Prize bekanntgegeben

Die britischen RIBA Awards 2008 gehen in die nächste Runde: Nachdem wir am 14. Juli 2008 (siehe BauNetz-Meldung) über die insgesamt 26 Sieger der National Awards und des European Award 2008 berichteten, wurde unterdessen am 17. Juli die Shortlist der für den Stirling Prize Nominierten in London bekanntgegeben:

  • Allies and Morrison, Royal Festival Hall, London

  • Allford Hall Monaghan Morris, Westminster Academy, London

  • Denton Corker Marshall, Manchester Civil Justice Centre

  • Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios, Maccreanor Lavington and Alison Brooks Architects, Wohnanlage Accordia, Großbritannien

  • Grimshaw and Arcadis, Bijlmer Arena Station, Niederlande

  • Zaha Hadid Architects, Hungerburg-Seilbahn, Österreich

Der/die Gewinner/in wird im Oktober 2008 offiziell bekanntgegeben.

Am Schluss noch erste O-Töne der „Leserjury“ auf zur Veröffentlichung der Shortlist zum Stirling Prize:
„Stirling work eh!!!! Take 'em in order shall we? Accordia: bit like ABK's Dunstan Road houses in Oxford circa 1969. Domestic bliss for the well-heeled at best: eco-error at worst. Probably redeemed only by the cooing owner/occupier vested interest and all the narrow, middle-class bigotry they represent??? £750K+ a shot: dream on!!!!!! Bijlmer: Basically a bit of Grimshaw SOS (same old s***). Seen it all before, won't endure or weather well (just look at Paddington. Eurostar, Xerox (WGC). Manchester CJC: bit of a final year student project? Not rational and unlikely to survive the rigours of government inspired maintenance. Idiosyncratic for the the sake of it???? Nordpark: Zaha Hadid: nuf said!!!!! Oblique, obtuse and obsolete at the point of conception: nasty experience if you happened to be there at the time!!!! Ooh ah Zaha!!!! RFH: questionable attempt to revive old favourite. Spurious correlation of elevational levels/details and ugly commercial interventions. Sophisticated mutilation at best. Westminster Academy: mall-rat heaven!!! So kids don't want to go to school so put them in a familiar environment. Could be any 70's shopping centre anywhere: selling education instead. Good for reinforcing fantasy element in adolescent lives: it's not so much an education, more a retail experience????? Geddit??? So no justifiable winners then, just the same old tragic cascade of the hip, happening and the fashionable: with a sprinkling of condescension!!!!!! Save us!!!!“

Meldung kommentieren

Royal Festival Hall

Royal Festival Hall

Westminster Academy

Westminster Academy

Manchester Civil Justice Centre

Manchester Civil Justice Centre

Accordia Cambridge

Accordia Cambridge

Bildergalerie ansehen: 6 Bilder

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