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Nominierte für Stirling Prize bekanntgegeben

Die britischen RIBA Awards 2008 gehen in die nächste Runde: Nachdem wir am 14. Juli 2008 (siehe BauNetz-Meldung) über die insgesamt 26 Sieger der National Awards und des European Award 2008 berichteten, wurde unterdessen am 17. Juli die Shortlist der für den Stirling Prize Nominierten in London bekanntgegeben:

  • Allies and Morrison, Royal Festival Hall, London

  • Allford Hall Monaghan Morris, Westminster Academy, London

  • Denton Corker Marshall, Manchester Civil Justice Centre

  • Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios, Maccreanor Lavington and Alison Brooks Architects, Wohnanlage Accordia, Großbritannien

  • Grimshaw and Arcadis, Bijlmer Arena Station, Niederlande

  • Zaha Hadid Architects, Hungerburg-Seilbahn, Österreich

Der/die Gewinner/in wird im Oktober 2008 offiziell bekanntgegeben.

Am Schluss noch erste O-Töne der „Leserjury“ auf zur Veröffentlichung der Shortlist zum Stirling Prize:
„Stirling work eh!!!! Take 'em in order shall we? Accordia: bit like ABK's Dunstan Road houses in Oxford circa 1969. Domestic bliss for the well-heeled at best: eco-error at worst. Probably redeemed only by the cooing owner/occupier vested interest and all the narrow, middle-class bigotry they represent??? £750K+ a shot: dream on!!!!!! Bijlmer: Basically a bit of Grimshaw SOS (same old s***). Seen it all before, won't endure or weather well (just look at Paddington. Eurostar, Xerox (WGC). Manchester CJC: bit of a final year student project? Not rational and unlikely to survive the rigours of government inspired maintenance. Idiosyncratic for the the sake of it???? Nordpark: Zaha Hadid: nuf said!!!!! Oblique, obtuse and obsolete at the point of conception: nasty experience if you happened to be there at the time!!!! Ooh ah Zaha!!!! RFH: questionable attempt to revive old favourite. Spurious correlation of elevational levels/details and ugly commercial interventions. Sophisticated mutilation at best. Westminster Academy: mall-rat heaven!!! So kids don't want to go to school so put them in a familiar environment. Could be any 70's shopping centre anywhere: selling education instead. Good for reinforcing fantasy element in adolescent lives: it's not so much an education, more a retail experience????? Geddit??? So no justifiable winners then, just the same old tragic cascade of the hip, happening and the fashionable: with a sprinkling of condescension!!!!!! Save us!!!!“

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